By Blue008

Cubbeco Family Day Care

Why Bluecactus: Cubbeco needed a website to promote their new Family Day Care Business.

Platform: The platform of choice was WordPress as it was simple to navigate and updating the site was very straight forward.

Extras: Bluecactus also designed the branding around Cubbeco and is in the process of implementing their social media presence.

By Blue008


Kujin are a Japanese restaurant located in Potts Point Sydney. They wanted to have a very basic site that was clean stylistic and easy to navigate.

platform: Joomla

By Blue008

Pacifico Tours

Angie was starting a tour business on the pacifico coast of Colombia. She required a modern easy to self manage website.

I sat down with Angie and constructed a check list of what she wanted. I then guided here on what she requires in order to set up her business and website. She also required fast reliable hosting that gave her the peace of mind that her site would load fast and always be backed up and monitored on a regular basis.

Platform Used: WordPress

Hosting: Bluecactus

By Blue008


This site was born out of the passion for all things Life Style. They wanted a cool hipster looking site that was visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Platform: WordPress

Theme: Solopines


Cubbeco Family Day Care
Better Path
Pacifico Tours